Coed Naked

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Coed Naked Catch Phrase Parties

Did you ever wonder how we came up with Coed Naked catch phrases? I have been asked this question 1000 times. Back in the early 90’s we had Coed Naked Catch Phrase Parties. We would start the parties by gathering the entire company together and then divide us all into random groups of 4 or 5 people with the goal of coming up with the perfect catch phrase for our new designs.

Each group would get pizza, beer and other drinks to help influence the creative process, which was especially important for some of the more conservative or shy participants. We also tried to include one very outgoing or perhaps “very creative thinker” to each group who would usually jump start the brainstorming process.

The greatest catch phrase genius of all time was Scott Hamel (you can read more about Scott in my book, “The Coed Naked Truth.”) Scott had a way kick starting the brain power in the group with perfectly great, over the top, and inappropriate catch phrases that ultimately would be tamed into something we all liked. His way of thinking and enthusiasm sparked the creative juices of the most conservative members of the group. Even our accountant can be credited with the catch phrase for Coed Naked Postal Worker thanks to the “encouragement” of Scott.

Even though we still brainstorm internally, we also use our Coed Naked fans to come up with catch phrases. This week we will be initiating a Catch Phrase Contest for our fans to come up with the catch phrase for Coed Naked Sports Betting. The winner will get the first shirt printed off the production run and we will add a small print to the bottom of the shirt indicating that it was the first print from the run.

Mark Lane

Coed Sportswear